
Biking through Qinghai - Tibet Highway

Jun 28, 2016 5:17 By

Xingning- Lhasa about 2100 kilometers

Features of this route:

  1. Generally speaking, this route is customized for those who would like to challenge their endurance and physical strength. Cycling from Golmud-Anduo, with nearly vertical slopes and dirt road condition proves to be very hard.
  2. Scenery en route are mainly snow-capped mountains, alpine pasture and small Tibetan villages.
  3. Comfortable accommodation is available along your way.

Famous Sights along your way:

Qinhai Lake: China’s largest inland salty lake with loads of migratory birds converging here.

Golmud: hub of Tibet highway system. The Great Mosque in the north part of city is worth seeing.

Xidatan: with nice view of the snow-covered kunlun Mountains.

Wudaoliang: the area is famous for its changeable weather. It occasionally snows even in July or August when majority of China is suffering unforgiving heat.

Tuotuo River: the origin of the Mighty Yangtze River, the longest river in China and the third longest in the world.

Tanggula Mountain Pass: Located at the intersection of Qinghai province and Tibet Region, the Mountain pass boasts the highest latitude along your riding route.

Nagqu: the fertile land in north Tibet. If you are particularly lucky to travel there in August or September you will have chance to experience the traditional Horse Racing Festival held annually in Nagqu.

Damxung: Lake Nam Co, the highest lake in the world are not far from Damxung.


Golmud to Lhasa, around 1155 kilometers

Time needed: around 15 days

Golmud to Kunlun Mountains Pass

Running about 160 kilometers this section takes you approximate 2 or 3 days. Road condition in this part is tough with many slopes.

Kunlun Mountains Pass to WudaoLiang Section

This section covers about 109 kilometers, one day enough. Road condition is better. Don’t miss the roadside hot springs when riding through the Nachitai Area. The pure, unspoiled water is really well worth trying. There are hotels in Wudaoliang which can provide comfortable lodgings.

Wudaoliang-Duoduo River Section, 150 kilometers.

With an average altitude of around 5000 kilometers, this section is also an arduous one. Rough highland climate dominate this area with frozenly cold nighttime and strong wind at daytime. You can overnight Two Gully.

Tuotuo River-Yanshiping, 91 kilometers, one day recommended

Get up early in the morning, this way you can be lucky enough to nourish your aching body with the breath-taking sunrise which dances over the horizon in Tuotuo River.

Yanshiping-Tanggula Mountain Pass, over 100 kilometers, one day enough.

Cycling from Yanshiping through Tangula Mountain Pass and overnight Toudaoban.

Toudaoban-Anduo, about 70 kilometers, half day journey

Major in this section is off-road. Scenery is getting progressively more beautiful.

Anduo-Nagqu about 138 kilometers, two days.

You will ride through many mountain ranges in this part.

Nagqu- section 146 kilometers two days needed

Scenery along this section is fantastic with snow-capped mountains, vast green grassland, flocks of sheep. Lhasa now is only 150 kilometers away.

Damxung –Lhasa, 146 kilometers, two days cycling.

You will enjoy very nice highland scenes along this part.


The itinerary is a backpacker's guide. We hope this information will enhance your self-discovery along the way. Our local agence could not oprate this tour at present, please contact our travel advisor if you have any questions.

Sonam Tenphel

About the Author - Sonam Tenphel

Energetic, responsible and reliable, Sonam is a guide with more than seven years experience informing visitors about heritage sites and attractions places in Tibet.

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