Currently, there are three trains bound to Lhasa from Xian. Two of them are daily trains, with their initial stations coming from Guangzhou and Shanghai, namely Z265 (Guangzhou-Lhasa) and Z165 (Shanghai-Lhasa). While Train Z916/Z917, departing every other day, is the newly opened train originating from Xian, heading directly to Tibet. And the return trains are Z918(Lhasa-Xian), Z266 (Lhasa-Guangzhou), and Z166 (Lhasa-Shanghai).
Xian - Lhasa Train Tickets Online Booking
Train Tickets Online Booking
Train No. | Departure | Train Stops | Arrival | Duration | Distance | Frequency |
Z265 | Xian (07:53) | Baoji (09:26) |
Lhasa (14:17) | 30:24 hrs | 2,864km | Daily |
Z165 | Xian (09:27) | Xianyang (09:44) |
Lhasa (15:05) | 29:38hrs | 2,864km | Daily |
Z917 | Xian (23:35) | Lanzhou (08:54) |
Lhasa (10:20) | 34:45hrs | 2,899km | Every Other Day |
Price of Train Tickets
Hard Seat
Hard Sleeper
Soft Sleeper
About Ticket Price:
The ticket prices above are the net prices. In reality, since the demand for Tibet train ticket far exceeds the supply, to successfully book the train ticket for you,an additional service fee is involved. However, we will manage to secure the ticket and ensure you a seamless Tibet train journey.
About Tibet Travel Permit:
Tibet travel permit is needed for collecting your Tibet train ticket and also boarding the train. Once you book the train ticket with us, we will guarantee to get the Tibet permit for you. We will deliver the permit to your hotel or any other place you prefer in Xian. For some emergency circumstances, we can hand it to you personally at Xian Railway Station before your train trip.
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More Detailed Information about Xian to Lhasa Train
Xian is one of the oldest cities in China. It is one of the birthplaces of the Ancient Chinese Civilization in the Yellow River Basin area. As the starting point of the Silk Road and home to the famous Terracotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty, the city has won a reputation all over the world.
Passengers can take a flight or train to Xian, exploring this amazing city for a couple of days, and then board the Tibet train to Lhasa.
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