The railway from Lanzhou to Lhasa is the second shortest train journey to Tibet. It takes around 23 hours to cross a distance of 2,188 kilometers between both cities.
As a transportation hub connecting western and central China, Lanzhou is an important station of the railway to Tibet. There are four trains passing through Lanzhou every day. If you are planning to take a train to Tibet from Lanzhou, then there are more options available.
Train Tickets Online Booking
Train No. | Departure | Train Stops | Arrival | Duration | Distance | Frequency |
Z323 | Lanzhou (08:40) | Xining (11:41) |
Lhasa (07:41) | 23:01 hrs | 2,188km | Every Other Day |
Price of Train Tickets
Hard Seat
Hard Sleeper
Soft Sleeper
About Ticket Price:
The ticket prices above are the net prices. In reality, since the demand for the Tibet train ticket far exceeds the supply, to successfully book the train ticket for you, an additional service fee is involved. However, we will manage to secure the ticket and ensure you a seamless Tibet train journey.
About Tibet Travel Permit:
The Tibet travel permit is needed for collecting your Tibet train ticket and also boarding the train. Once you book the train ticket with us, we will guarantee to get the Tibet permit for you. We will deliver the permit to your hotel or any other place you prefer in Lanzhou. For some emergency circumstances, we can hand it to you personally at Lanzhou Railway Station before your train trip.
Most Classic Tibet Tour Packages by Train
13-Day Nepal to Tibet Excursion with Beijing TourView Details
19-Day Golden Triangle and Tibet Train Travel from LanzhouView Details
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More Detailed Information about Lanzhou to Lhasa Train
Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China and used to be a very important point on the ancient Silk Road. As an important tourist city and transportation hub in central China, Lanzhou has convenient transportation connections to major cities. Big cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, etc. have regular flights to Lanzhou every day, you may go to Lanzhou by plane then go to Lhasa by train.
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