Guangzhou to Lhasa Train Z265 departs daily at 09:15 from Guangzhou Railway Station and arrives at Lhasa Railway Station at 14:17 on the third day after around 53:02 hours, covering a distance of 4,980 kilometers and being the longest railway route to Lhasa. Made its debut in July, 2006, Guangzhou Lhasa train’s operational speed is also 120 km/h.
Train Tickets Online Booking
Train No. | Departure | Train Stops | Arrival | Duration | Distance | Frequency |
Z265 | Guangzhou (09:15) | Changsha (17:04) |
Lhasa (14:17) | 53:02 hrs | 4,980km | Daily |
Price of Train Tickets
Hard Seat
Hard Sleeper
Soft Sleeper
About Ticket Price:
The ticket prices above are the net prices. In reality, since the demand for Tibet train ticket far exceeds the supply, to successfully book the train ticket for you,an additional service fee is involved. However, we will manage to secure the ticket and ensure you a seamless Tibet train journey.
About Tibet Travel Permit:
Tibet travel permit is needed for collecting your Tibet train ticket and also boarding the train. Once you book the train ticket with us, we will guarantee to get the Tibet permit for you. We will deliver the permit to your hotel or any other place you prefer in Beijing. For some emergency circumstances, we can hand it to you personally at Beijing West Railway Station before your train trip.
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More Detailed Information about Guangzhou to Lhasa Train
Guangzhou, one the of China’s three largest cities, serves as a major port and transportation hub and one of the popular gateways for travel into Tibet.
It would be a great choice for tourists who love taking the long train journey because the railway route allows them to enjoy the varied landscape from southern to northern China, as well as a span from the most modern and developed regions to the most barren lands.
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